GFC Outlets - Green Bay, WI

GFC OutletsPerhaps you might have been in a house or an establishment wherein the outlets have three slots: two vertical slots and one hole below in the center. Perhaps you might be wondering why the left vertical slot is slightly bigger than the right vertical slot or why is there a hole on the outlet. Outlets like that are called GFC outlets or Ground Fault Circuit outlets. The left vertical slot is what they call “neutral,” the right slot “hot”, and the hole is the “ground.”

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Technically, if your electrical device is in good condition, the electricity from the outlet to your device will only flow from hot to neutral. Your Green Bay, WI GFC outlet is connected to a circuit interrupter. The ground circuit can sense if there is a change in the amount of electricity that flows through the hot and neutral slots. After sensing it, it will activate the interrupter and will cut the flow of electricity, protecting you or any of your family members from possible electrocution. GFC outlets in Green Bay, WI can save lives. If you do not have them in your home yet, contact a professional, and they will upgrade all your existing outlets to GFC Outlets. Installing the ground circuitry of GFC outlets in Green Bay, WI is not a DIY job. They will be useless if improperly installed. Expertly trained technicians are experienced in installing such outlets, and you will be assured that your GFC outlet will serve its purpose.

GFC Outlets

The 3 major benefits of GFC Outlets in Green Bay, WI

  • Shock Prevention. The primary and most common advantage of having a GFC Outlet
  • Fire Prevention. GFCs are designed to detect ground faults. When the electricity leaves the circuit undetected, it might result in a fire
  • Damage Prevention for Appliances. Constant leakage of undetected current from the outlet to your devices can cause harm. If may also lead to electrocution if your equipment’s casing is metal

GFC Outlets

Certified Electrical Professionals

Our reliable experts with years of experience are here to help you with your electrical needs and projects.